Message from our School’s Principal
Welcome to MGIS! From the inception of Modern Generation International Private School, we promised you to work hard and diligently to reach excellence by providing the best educational care and various activities throughout the academic year. It is ideal to remember that the students of MGPS are unparalleled, proving themselves with their academic success and social well-being.
In MGPS, we strive to maintain the holistic balance of aspects vital to our student’s development. Nonetheless, a few mentions MGIS mainly focus on the moral, religious, and 21st-century skills required for our students to sustain the changes and challenges of the unpredictable future. One of the most important aspects that we achieved excellence in this year is, digitalizing the course of education in MGIS for the students to explore critically and grow to be modern global citizens. We take pride in saying that, despite the pandemic, the MGIS teaching fraternity could reach out to the students to meet and accomplish their educational goals at different levels through digital transformation in education.
Not forgetting the role of parents, their sincere interaction and cooperation are inevitable to support our student’s educational journey. Our primary goal was constantly to launch new communication channels between the parents and the school. Likewise, we also look forward to benefitting from the opinions, suggestions and experiences of our parents through meetings and various school communication strategies that help provide better services to our students.
Simply put, MGPS constantly endeavours to rearticulate the prime goal for teachers to “feel responsible” for their students. With the trio of the school, teachers and the parents’ community fulfilling their responsibilities, success will pave the way for students to be modernly suitable for the future world.
In conclusion, I hope that Modern Generation International Private School will remain the beacon for our students to shine in their educational path. It will be a window for them to achieve their bright future and be good for our beloved country, Oman.
May Allah grant us all success for good, bestow, and guide our students’ steps on the right path.
Ms Hind Ahmed Ibrahim
School Principal

As-salamu alaykum and welcome to MGIS Kindergarten!!!
Childhood is the first stage in human life, constituting one-third of its life.
The first step into school is that considerable step forward, where children embark on the great adventure of discovering the wide world outside. As we hold the little hand and guide the young ones along, we realize our responsibility of nurturing their curiosity, igniting their minds, helping them to discover the world of books and richness of experience through an enriching environment, ponder on why and how, and master the technology.
Our learning environment creatively meets each child’s specific needs while allowing all children to come together for a cross-cultural experience that develops their social skills and teaches them how to build friendships. We provide a happy and safe environment within which our children can experience opportunities inside the classroom and beyond. We foster values of courtesy, consideration, and individual responsibility and provide challenges and support for our little ones. With gentle care, we help shape their young minds to be ready for the following levels.
The achievement of our children is built upon the partnership between students, parents, and teachers. Our school is fortunate to have a team of well-qualified faculty members and assistants who are sincere and determined to handle the young children with utmost love and affection and make them feel at home so that they are comfortable in their new learning environment.
Every year we witness little buds bloom to become bright flowers, having brilliant personalities of their own. Seeing them transformed over the year is truly a joyful experience. They start their first day at school sobbing with tears, and then you see them all excited, looking forward, all dressed up to perform in front of their parents on stage, ready to graduate.
I firmly believe that MGIS can ensure your child achieves their best.
Please feel free to drop by and request a tour of our school. I would love to meet you and discuss your questions concerning our Kindergarten programme.
Ms. Sheikha Al Maamari
Kindergarten Principal