• contact@moderngps.edu.om
  • +968 9282 8118
  • Modern Generation Private School , Street No: 9993, Mabelah South,Phase 7,P.O Box 405,P C:122, Mabelah, Sultanate of Oman
  • Kindergarten

    Kindergarten Program

    At our kindergarten, we take great pride in providing a dynamic and engaging learning environment for our young students. Our approach places a strong emphasis on play-based learning, which helps children to form their cognitive, emotional, and social foundations. We teach our KG children basic social skills and introduce academic concepts such as numbers, letters, and colors through play-based activities. 
    Our focus is on active learning through sensory experiences, and we encourage children to explore their environment, ask questions, and engage in creative activities. In our kindergarten, children receive instruction in both English and Arabic, and they have exposure to a wide range of theme-based learning exploring science, mathematics, Islamic studies, arts and crafts, and music. 
    We use a variety of educational materials and pedagogical approaches to make learning fun and meaningful for our little learners. Our philosophy is that early childhood education should be a time of exploration and discovery, and we strive to provide our students with the tools they need to become confident, lifelong learners.
